







The End-Point Assessment (EPA) module underpins all aspects of your End-Point Assessment activities from the set-up of the Apprentice Standards and applying their awarding and grading rules; to the onboarding of customers, registering Apprentices, putting them forward for Gateway and post Gateway activities and allocating assessors to the eventual awarding of the Apprenticeships.

The module will help you to demonstrate compliance with each associated EPA General Conditions and includes a wide range of regulatory aligned reports, features and data extracts.

Some clients want to have a separate EPA environment and solution, whereas others want the EPA features offered as a standalone solution to provide a single-entry point for your customers and staff across your entire product range - eliminating the need to implement and pay for multiple systems and integrations.  

So whatever you decide we can set-up and deploy accordingly.

Key Features 

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The powerful qualification design tools within creatiogreen will support the development and update of any Apprenticeship Standard - enabling you to structure the product to reflect the published awarding, achievement and grading rules.

The Apprenticeship Standards Development form we provide will help you manage, structure and enforce you development arrangements from business case to review, assessment design and identifying, as well as ensuring you have appropriate resources to help you evidence your compliance in any future internal or external audits of your EPA arrangements.

Also,  product rules you assign and sign-off during the development phase are automatically applied and enforced when Apprentices are registered and progress through the standard.

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Pre-loaded forms and workflows

The module comes pre-loaded with a variety of templates and features designed to enforce your rules and automate various steps and checks, such as preventing incomplete applications from being submitted.

Supported processes include onboarding new customers and ensuring they sign up to your terms. the price and service proposal you structured for their organisation. As well as, registering and managing apprenticeships, the submission and review of complaints, appeals and reasonable adjustment and special consideration requests. Additionally, it supports malpractice or maladministration investigations.

The module also automates post-event activities, such as the automatic filing and archiving of forms, updating customer risk or compliance profiles, and extracting pertinent information to log against the customer's profile to inform future activities and reviews.

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Evidence Assessments

As apprentices are registered, they or their providers can upload Gateway evidence or completed assessments for review. They can also schedule paper or online exams and end-point assessments.

Our exam integrations completely streamlines the exam entry and resit booking processes.

Whilst the EPA booking tool provides a dynamic, real-time list of available dates for apprentices to book whilst reflecting your available resources. This further streamlines the processes for both your customers and staff.

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Assessor Allocation 

Your staff can view details of all submitted EPA requests, with the system automatically matching them to available, competent assessors.

Key information such as current workloads, travel distances, and conflicts of interest is displayed to help your staff make informed allocation decisions, all within the press of a button.  Whilst, assessors are empowered to accept or reject assignments accordingly.

The assessor management and allocation features within creatiogreen include diary management, risk and performance management, and tracking of CPD and other activities, helping to inform and demonstrate your arrangements.

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results and Reporting

The module features a range of real-time, interactive dashboards for monitoring take-up, risks, and activity. It also includes a variety of easy-to-use search tools and reports, allowing you to delve into specific business processes and analyse activity.

Regulatory reports are built in, enabling you to extract the necessary data for your returns at the press of a button. Additionally, integration with the ESFA is readily available, streamlining your reporting process.

Dashboards, reporting tools and download options are available to your customers so they have full visibility and access to information regarding their apprentices at all times.

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Governance and Self-assessments

We deploy a range of regulatory-aligned logs to help your organisation demonstrate compliance with relevant General Conditions. These logs include:

  • Business continuity log
  • Risk log
  • Third-party supplier log
  • Incident log
  • Self-assessment log

For more details on the features contained within these logs and how they can transform your approach to regulatory compliance, please visit our Governance page.

Find Out More

Get in touch to request a free demo of our End-Point Assessment module and find out more about the solutions and services we offer, and how easy it is to upgrade to Creatio and transform your arrangements!